Distribute Your Music With Us!

Music Distribution Includes:

Delivery to one of the largest networks of Digital Service Providers.

Freedom to choose the partners you want!

Choose your own release date.

Non-exclusive distribution, with us, you can keep your direct deals!

Free Account Maintenance! No annual or maintenance fees charged.

Free ISRC & UPC per release/track.

Fast Delivery

Free Artist Portal



80% Profits.

No Fixed Costs at Free Account.

WE do not charge you any fees for setting up your account.

WE do not charge fees for your music submissions.

Keep 80% of your publishing and rights

Keep 80% of your ad revenue and content ID

Powerful catalog manager

Free UPC and ISRC codes

Unlimited Labels,  Artists & Releases

Accounting tools

Music Licensing

Neighboring Rights

Soundcloud Monetization



Dedicated to all music genres.

Exclusive tools that help you build relationships with your fans.

Upload Once. Be Everywhere.

We’ll keep your whole catalog safe and neatly organized.

Access detailed analytics by country, performance and platform. Track your sales and streams and understand your audience and data to make better strategic decisions.

Social Engagement.

We Listen to your music!

Our revolutionary track-based architecture allows for fast and simple creation of singles, EPs, albums and compilations – all based on your existing catalog.

Ministry of Musics offers free, unlimited audio file and metadata backups and makes your catalog easily accessible at any time.

Dedicated team to help you.






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